podcast episode no.3 with the Kennedys - how to curate your life


Okay, so it's time for episode no. 3 of my podcast 'How to Curate Your Life - Work Life Balance for the Creative Entrepreneur'. It's been a rather exciting week round these parts due to iTunes including the podcast in their New & Noteworthy section and it making it into their top 40 charts. Thank you so much, as I've said a lot before I know, for listening. It's really amazing (and a bit overwhelming) to see the How to Curate Your Life community grow. Thank you. The absolute best bit is getting messages from you guys to say that you've found something we've said helpful, encouraging or inspiring so thank you again so much to those of you who have been in touch. It means a lot and I'm so grateful to hear you're enjoying the podcast. If you've not heard episodes 1 and 2 yet and you'd like a link to the series on iTunes that's here. But for now, let's get back to episode no. 3. We've talked so far in the series, to successful and inspiring creative entrepreneurs, navigating their portfolio careers with a focus on that all important work life balance. But what does that look like if you're two successful creative entrepreneurs, making up a couple and building family? Enter the Kennedys. Florence and James Kennedy are married, have a lovely new baby girl called Clover and a beautiful great dane named Huxley.

Between them they have three family businesses - Kennedy City Bicycles, Petalon and The Old Dairy. In this episode we talk all about how they make that work and what work life balance looks like when juggling all these exciting and time consuming creative entrepreneurial elements (including living on the site of one of their businesses) whilst still focusing on and enjoying their family. Big thanks to James and Florence for being on the podcast. You can scroll to the bottom of this post and hit play to hear the episode right now. And you can find the show notes below too. Thanks again for listening and speak soon.   

S H O W  N O T E S : 

The Future Laboratory - www.thefuturelaboratory.com

Florence's Book - Flowers Every Day

All The Thing's You Are Not Yet - Nick Mulvey

Kennedy City Bicycles - www.kennedycitybicycles.cc

Petalon - www.petalon.co.uk

The Old Dairy - www.kennedyandkennedy.co.uk

Photos by Jonathan Cherry / John Attenborough / India Hobson
